Sunday, July 15, 2012

I don’t do well in social environments


I’m going to make this as simple and short as I can, since I’m just barely awake.

See these nerds from across our parking lot here has some associates that through being kind I

offered a menial job to, their young teen something son. Through that it seems I’m dealing with a bunch of domestic politics that reminds me of pop culture games we went through in High School. And we all know how I dealt with High School, even Hazzard High, through mutual agreement decided to graduate me early, like Sophomore year?

So that’s partly it.

Then there is the condition of the rain storm yesterday. The rules of our complex which I obey like clock work, say we are to treat this motel room as we would our own little home. Which would be fine if I owned the place. However roof leaks in most conditions of rentals is the property owners responsibility, not mine. Hell if I had money to fix the roof, do you think I’d be here in the first place? Oh and for those keeping score, I am looking elsewhere. I got some email returns on luxury places in Boise that rents in the neighborhood of what this one does, so plan is, fix up what I can on the trucks through winter, put most if not all I own in the shop, haul up to Boise, come spring, then move. But ya’ll need to know HCC might just end up in the city of trees rather than here in Burley. But spring is several months from now. I just wish that the neighbors across the parking lot would take their problems and go away. Not go away mad, just go away. Dig this friends, after the night I went through previous night, getting woke up is one thing, getting rousted from off the crapper is another.

Then there is the vivid memory of a few years ago, in 1995 when I had saw an ad online for the old homestead near Hazzard. So I got it, but after months even a year or two, I trucked up to Boise, in less that 3 hours, not weeks , not even days, but 3 hours, the club as you remember had its poster girls, advertising and the rest all set up ready to run and we did. Remember the money we made. Of course back near 15 years prior when old Skipper decided my life would be better off in Boise, I went up there. In 4 months not only was I towing, not even on a standard rotation list, a vicinity list, I was making $1,500.00 before noon, week days. Even had accounts receivable not payable all the time.

Granted things and events change, and yes I’m going up to do a serious lookover, but in the words of Bro the Ace, If it smells good I’m going to eat it, or to put it properly, if things look good up there as they did then , hey I’m there.

Putting in bluntly, this bullshit has to stop.

I’m starting to ramble here, so I’ll close, but change is in the wind.

L8R ya’ll

MY NEW WOLF SIGhcc wings1_thumb

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
Colossians 2:9-10“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”

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