Friday, July 12, 2024

why are we always profiled?

Caught this comment personally twice this past week and am working on the subject.
The first part came from some seatcover that said that because I have a Grey beard that people would take me seriously. Then the furtherance of the conversation was that because I ride a bike 🏍 that I must be well not to trustworthy. 
Granted there are some mirrored concepts are out there, but to say just because you don't dress in a suit and tie and have a graying beard that you must be poor or worse. I even heard that from one of our local law enforcement officers here say about the same thing
Just because I was sleeping in the General JaXson 
Why because I am not paying properly tax that I have no reason to be taken seriously or some such.
Yet it's the same ornery people who are there during the holidays getting a free holiday turkey or ham, or our charity runs for toys for tots.
Really? Darn we must be purtty evil. 
The lists go on. But that said I am going to get your thoughts and mine on the subject.
Tune in next month on: 
ayrewolffm heard on  
Join me.
Off for a few days. 
Seek and ye will find. 

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Who could have imagined this?)

Who could've imagined that my personal journey of broadcasting would culminate in Evanston Wyoming at a tiny station sitting out in its lonesome half way up a forgotten road to a airport? I would have told you then that if that happened I would bring to every ayre enthusiast a radio station dedicated to the Confederacy, the UCSMC, and of course every dern tooting gear grinding truckers. 
I had always thought that such a pheate would either be in Metro Utah somewhere or the greater Hazzard City area of Idaho. 
And as of next week the wait is over and the real weight of the situation is on my shoulders. 
Not that I am a radio businessperson but I am by desire and training by one the greatest broadcast engineers on the face of the Earth Kelly Klauss. The one of a few round these parts SBE Certified Broadcast Engineers. Yup I am the long haired southern bred kountry guy that keeps all of our organizations radio stations on the air and humming. 
The question always is asked why Don't I just settle down gain a wife and relax? Answer? What would I do? I don't want to have a permanent residence, seems as though if you have a permanent residence you just give most of what it may be valued at to corrupt tax collectors. Government agencies that have about as sense as a male's hind end so why bother? When it comes to a wife. I have had 3 in my life. One who pilots a rig for ClearSprings Trout Company of Buhl Idaho, Suzi who is now a self claimed Duke also the Mother to my son Eddy, and of course Monkee aka Janice. That I messed up by being a bit indescrentually lose . I do miss her above all.  In between there was Marla Wilson of Eastern Oregon and then my last endeavor on the mating ritual who passed away due to Cebceral Palsy. After Nadi I just didn't have the stomach for being captured or domesticated. Give me ye Ole General 
JaXson full tank of go fluid and my radio 🔧 tools. That is my 🌎 world. Of course I am the easiest way to my leisure is in the cockpit 
That is where I am at my most free. 
Those who have never been behind the stick 
wouldn't understand. For those who have, the old song of those who desire flight that goes: once you have tasted flight your eyes 👀 will always be looking to the sky for there you once were and where you will forever long to be there again. 
That might be misquote but you all catch the drift. 
Of that must be what it is. As for LexiBelle and tows and toes and pheete and all of that in my next post 📫 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Sorry no show, having tech problems


Well, I got an episode in the system, trouble is there's something wrong with any voice. All my cables are connected right, but no MiC. So the show was voiceless. 

Of course, doing the show, I passed my meal break. Now understand the Tech problems occurred right after I flat fainted and passed out which I did on the gear, and so had to spend some time putting what I could put back together. But I did do it and an edition of HazzardAyre Rockabilly Saturday Night is up on Spreaker. I did do something yesterday, I finally after months of work HazzardAyre has its own website. Its Haven't done all the inputs and page things yet, but it's there nonetheless. 

After the last several weeks, of hospitalization, medicines, can't read without glasses, and a host of other maladies, it might be my flying days might be over, don't know for sure, but I bet they suspend mi aviation license for a year or two. So then, the toew truck is in Wyoming, where I can't use it to make a few dollars of my military pension and Social Security, so the only thing really to motivate me, is the bike shop which even that is on hold for a short time, and of course the MC's radio station. So I'm in the action to gain traction for that. All I know is, I'm getting old. And while there are FAA waivers, for my maladies, eventually I will just be too old to fly. That in itself scares the bajesus out of me. But I can meander into this studio, and produce and deliver to your ears good solid Tunes and news.

See you this evening on the radio.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Lets remind some folks, what happened to a local motel owner who pissed off me and the club


Every once in awhile there comes a time, the public needs a kick in its complacency.

A bit of history however.

two and a half years ago, after the coldest snowiest winter we have had, up to that point, Charlie at A1 in Twin Falls, my pal Ricky and another driver named Ricky suggested that I instead of trying to battle foes in toewz in Twin Falls , set up a branch of our company coupled with Charlie’ here in the mini cassia area of Idaho. So I got to thinking , and cruized over in the Stang, looked at an old shop in Rupert, and at the same time a guy named Russ who ran both a motel, and the only Taxi company here in Burley looked at the same shop. We both knew the price per month was too much. So we looked all over found a shop we could split the rate of in Paul. With that agreement Russ said I could live at his motel rent free, in exchange for working on his cabs. So I put in the change of address notice with Buhl Housing, but when it came to ponying up for half the rent Russ, said he no longer interested and living at his place was not going to happen either.

By this time I was in panic mode as I couldn’t get my place back in Buhl since they had already re-rented it, so had to settle for a mouse house in Rupert, well ya’ll know the rest of the story.

Except , a month or so ago, Russ got whacked. I wont say anymore about that, but its not good to piss off SAMCRO MC and/or me.

Now here’s the curious part, and why more people value their privacy and solitude. Nobody has done anything, via SAMCRO or the Knytes to anyone else. We held out a helping up hand to a neighbor who bit that hand, okay groovy, but were being friendly. Who cares about being friendly. Lets see how many other MC’s do the Toys for Tots runs this Christmas here.

In this way bikers are like truckers, others in other clubs see what goes on with one, the word spreads, and guess what? Nobody patronizes the damn town any more or helps it.

All I know is this, I truly hope the Cassia County Sheriffs office finds and prosecutes who injured LexiBelle, quickly, as if we find out who it is before they do, the who did it, will be a obituary.

Just keep in mind the motel Taxi owner. Nobody better mess with SAMCRO.

L8R Ya’ll

MY NEW WOLF SIGhcc wings1_thumb

Quote of the Day:
The quest for riches darkens the sense of right and wrong.
--Antiphanes, ancient Greek dramatist
Colossians 2:9-10“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

I don’t do well in social environments


I’m going to make this as simple and short as I can, since I’m just barely awake.

See these nerds from across our parking lot here has some associates that through being kind I

offered a menial job to, their young teen something son. Through that it seems I’m dealing with a bunch of domestic politics that reminds me of pop culture games we went through in High School. And we all know how I dealt with High School, even Hazzard High, through mutual agreement decided to graduate me early, like Sophomore year?

So that’s partly it.

Then there is the condition of the rain storm yesterday. The rules of our complex which I obey like clock work, say we are to treat this motel room as we would our own little home. Which would be fine if I owned the place. However roof leaks in most conditions of rentals is the property owners responsibility, not mine. Hell if I had money to fix the roof, do you think I’d be here in the first place? Oh and for those keeping score, I am looking elsewhere. I got some email returns on luxury places in Boise that rents in the neighborhood of what this one does, so plan is, fix up what I can on the trucks through winter, put most if not all I own in the shop, haul up to Boise, come spring, then move. But ya’ll need to know HCC might just end up in the city of trees rather than here in Burley. But spring is several months from now. I just wish that the neighbors across the parking lot would take their problems and go away. Not go away mad, just go away. Dig this friends, after the night I went through previous night, getting woke up is one thing, getting rousted from off the crapper is another.

Then there is the vivid memory of a few years ago, in 1995 when I had saw an ad online for the old homestead near Hazzard. So I got it, but after months even a year or two, I trucked up to Boise, in less that 3 hours, not weeks , not even days, but 3 hours, the club as you remember had its poster girls, advertising and the rest all set up ready to run and we did. Remember the money we made. Of course back near 15 years prior when old Skipper decided my life would be better off in Boise, I went up there. In 4 months not only was I towing, not even on a standard rotation list, a vicinity list, I was making $1,500.00 before noon, week days. Even had accounts receivable not payable all the time.

Granted things and events change, and yes I’m going up to do a serious lookover, but in the words of Bro the Ace, If it smells good I’m going to eat it, or to put it properly, if things look good up there as they did then , hey I’m there.

Putting in bluntly, this bullshit has to stop.

I’m starting to ramble here, so I’ll close, but change is in the wind.

L8R ya’ll

MY NEW WOLF SIGhcc wings1_thumb

Quote of the Day:
The thing I hate about an argument is that it always interrupts a good discussion.
--G.K. Chesterton
Colossians 2:9-10“For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.”

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Body Art and has PowerBlock lost it?

SAMCRO IDAHO LOGOpappys log pic

I’m still stewing over last night so bare with me , since I’m still awake running on Goody’s Headache powders, and chocolate milk.

Okay I have been accused of running everything from a porn studio to a brothel, which is far from the truth.

Lets face it, unless some guy is a queer he build for the most part a ride to attract babes. Or at least troll for babes. That said, from as far back as the first edition of Hot Rod magazine, right onto today in EasyRiders babes and rides just go together like bacon and eggs.

With that in your grips, in military aviation circles , one of the past times for many to at least make war less horrible , guys would paint the images of scantly cladded women on their aircraft. From starlets to even comic images like Betty Boop, you’d see aircraft with a gal. Even the Enola Gay the bird that dropped the Atomic bomb had nose art.

So then why can’t that be brought into our ground based bikes and rat trucks? So then get a gal, strike up a pose and go to air brushing right? Not as easy as it would seem. Even if your lucky to find a gal, to model , doing freelance airbrushing is an art. Fortunately here at HCC we still do it that way, not some damn decal. Something like this

armybikepinupgirl or this>>>>mod1_hero . Now not too long ago I had this idea, that I’m still trying to find a gal to do, so I can sketch the basic concept for, but ya’ll gotta use that imagination a bit to picture this.

A gal lying on her back. Her arms being the tree to the front wheel, her hands griping the axle. Her breasts being the fuel tank her pelvis area being the seat , her butt the oil tank, her legs making up the rear fender and her feet up right and the bottom of her feet being the tail lights, her long blonde hair making up the handle bars. Would make up one hell of a bike don’t yall, think? Problem is I cain’t find a gal to put on a bikini and model for a sketch of it to put this project into gear. Oh and her eyes, gauges. With headlight in the tree just below her head. Any gals willing to pose get in touch with me at HCC or by email at .

Of course body art can be applied to our rat trucks as well.

I have discovered however from all of the clip art , even that , that I pirate from Stocking Girl, that the pics are just not of the spice that we need here for the newsletter, much less some of the promo projects planned for next year. Which brings me to a point. For the last 11 years outside of AyreWolf Aviation and all, I have been both traumatized as well as because of that somewhat lazy.

The fact is, as Mom used to say, its time to shit or get off the pot. For all its faults, Burley is where I’m at, and while I’m eye balling many locations from Pocatello to Boise, to even back to Salt Lake City, I have to get busy.

While I have no intention of giving up on AyreWolf Aviation and all that goes with that, fact is the Doctor says it might be up to a year with my DVT and all before he’ll clear me to fly again. So I’ll be the wrench to AyreWolf. That said I need extra income, the money promised by the UCSMC and all, is not all what it ought to be. That said, I have a shop that I share with you our SAMCRO MC members, as well as bringing Dixie Toewing back to a fever pitch. While I might not be able to go full tilt for fuzz rotation, I can be there by request and preference . This means advertising, promotion and getting all in front of every long haul trucker, biker and all that I can. Because of the nature of the Magic Valley of Idaho’s media being so stuck up in regards to us, that means advertising on a national coast to coast basis. That, means building TV ads that attract, this means female eye candy, as well as very creative production. After all paying national TV ad rates as well as magazine rates, means having an ad that someone with an interest or need gives attention to. Add to that yellow pages, even billboards. Getting us into the Salt Lake City market on TV, as well as their cable system. I know eastern Idaho’s Cable One is one thing, but maybe Boise’ Cable One Advertising might be willing to talk. But I want to walk in with an ad already done, some start up cash, and do it right then. Both for the shop as well as the club.

With that said, I watch damn near as much as going to Church, Spike TV’ PowerBlock. Every week. Most of the time its updated filler donuts with older episodes. Many that I already have on VCR tape. But the PowerBlock is one place I’m looking to place ads on. Likewise SpeedTV and TrueTV around Lizard Lick Towing amongst others. A big splash on EasyRiders , V-Twin, In The Wind , etc. To maintain continuity, requires again, female eye candy. Through this winter, as I’ll be sitting out one more toew season, the rebuild on the trucks, building some bikes etc is going to be my main focus. This means not so much me on radio, but me more in the shop.

Add to all of this doing up wearable's and merchandise, from T-shirts to computer mouse pads. Hit hard on both Google and FaceBook , as feature ads, that is if I can get their sales gurus to return a phone call. But the thing is heat it up.

Now that all in the collector, is it my imagination but has PowerBlock lost it? Spike is running it at 07:00 hours , add to that their cousin CMT is running the Dukes sparadodacly . But what we need is to get there. 2013 is the year. Lets get serious.

Going to try and snooze, see ya’ll l8r tonight.

MY NEW WOLF SIGhcc wings1_thumb

Quote of the Day:
A good composer does not imitate; he steals.
--Igor Stravinsky
James 1:21“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

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Counting down and last night

SAMCRO IDAHO LOGOpappys log pic

Okay I’m calming down now, my anger is easing a bit, understanding that there is no understanding of the idiocy of Yankees, and the fact that someone would go to our shop, and vandalize my tow truck is absurd. I know many of you want vindication and retaliation but, I reported it to the local fuzz so we see what they do. There are only a hand full of people besides us in the club that know where the shop is at in the first place, that we are there, and so we’ll catch em. If the fuzz drags their feet, then we’ll act but give it time. All I can do is replace the windshield in her and LiL Lexi and go from there. Like I have said Boise is looking really good.

Okay on a lighter note or two.

Nominations are going on for Miss SAMCRO MC IDAHO, who will be our charters poster girl. My nomination is Bryanna who ya’ll know, but there is room for more. We’ll have a benefit and all in October, shoot pics in late October and have who ever is finalized in early November on all Idaho Charter ads etc. Now then at the SAMCRO MC Christmas get together sometime b4 we do our Toys for Tots Charity Ryde, the National Miss SAMCRO MC pageant will go down. Winner this year pockets $200K, and an equal $200K modeling promo contract. So get to hunting guys find the best of the best of what we can get in Idaho.

Counting down to September, for the premier of SOA on FX. Planning on getting cable in the shop, and a big screen TV for that, so bring your brew and grub and lets make a night of it.

For now I need sleep.



Quote of the Day:
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
--John Calvin Coolidge
James 1:21“Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.”

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