Friday, July 12, 2024

why are we always profiled?

Caught this comment personally twice this past week and am working on the subject.
The first part came from some seatcover that said that because I have a Grey beard that people would take me seriously. Then the furtherance of the conversation was that because I ride a bike 🏍 that I must be well not to trustworthy. 
Granted there are some mirrored concepts are out there, but to say just because you don't dress in a suit and tie and have a graying beard that you must be poor or worse. I even heard that from one of our local law enforcement officers here say about the same thing
Just because I was sleeping in the General JaXson 
Why because I am not paying properly tax that I have no reason to be taken seriously or some such.
Yet it's the same ornery people who are there during the holidays getting a free holiday turkey or ham, or our charity runs for toys for tots.
Really? Darn we must be purtty evil. 
The lists go on. But that said I am going to get your thoughts and mine on the subject.
Tune in next month on: 
ayrewolffm heard on  
Join me.
Off for a few days. 
Seek and ye will find.